Izek Strazni was the biological brother of Ireena Kolyana and an enforcer of Baron Vargas Vallakovich.[1]
When he, his father, his sister, and his uncle went fishing, on the way back his arm was bitten off by a dire wolf and his frightened sister ran into the woods. He learned to cope with his disability and the loss of his sister, but his parents died of broken hearts.[1]
Izek was bullied by others because of his lost arm, but he was easily able to kill them and hide their bodies. When the law found out, he was taken to Baron Vargas Vallakovich, who recognized his potential for violence and recruited him as an enforcer.[1]
One day after waking up from a drunken stupor, Izek found he had grown a clawed arm that could conjure fire.[1]
Izek experienced dreams with Ireena in them and had Gadof Blinsky make dolls that looked like her.[1]
If she was taken to Vallaki, he would try to kidnap her.[1]
External Links[]
- Izek Strazni article at Mistipedia, a wiki for the Ravenloft campaign setting run by The Fraternity of Shadows.