Ravenloft Wiki

Curse of Strahd is an adventure module for the 5th-edition of Dungeons & Dragons, published by Wizards of the Coast in 2016. Set in the Ravenloft campaign setting, the module revolves around the vampire Strahd von Zarovich and the Demiplane of Dread that serves as his prison.

Bound by Fate

Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind's howling increases as he turns his gaze down toward the village of Barovia.

Far below, yet not beyond his keen eyesight, a party of adventurers has just entered his domain. Strahd's face forms the barest hint of a smle as his dark plan unfolds. He knew they were coming, and he knows why they came—all according to his plan.

A lightning flash rips through the darkness, but Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind fills the midnight air. The master of Castle Ravenloft is having guests for dinner

And you are invited.
— Back-cover text


Curse of Strahd is a fairly free-form adventure where the characters are drawn into Barovia and must defeat Strahd to escape. The location of three essential magic items (Tome of Strahd, Sunsword, and the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind), the identity of an NPC ally, and the location of Strahd himself are determined by a reading from the Tarokka Deck.

Chapter Summary[]

  • Foreword by Tracy Hickman
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Into the Mists: Covers Strahd's backstory and gives instructions for the Tarokka reading and provides possible adventure hooks.
  • Chapter 2: The Lands of Barovia: Gives the lay of the land and the effects on magic.
  • Chapter 3: The Village of Barovia: Tells about the areas of the village of Barovia.
  • Chapter 4: Castle Ravenloft: Tells about the areas of Castle Ravenloft.
  • Chapter 5: The Town of Vallaki: Tells about the areas of Vallaki.
  • Chapter 6: Old Bonegrinder: Tells about areas of this Night Hag infested windmill.
  • Chapter 7: Argynvostholt: Tells about the mansion that houses the revenants of the fallen Order of the Silver Dragon.
  • Chapter 8: The Village of Krezk: Is about the Village of Krezk and it's abbey.
  • Chapter 9: Tsolenka Pass: Is about the encounter on the way to the Amber Temple.
  • Chapter 10: The Ruins of Berez: Is about the ruins currently being overused by Baba Lysaga and her Creeping Hut.
  • Chapter 11: van Richten's Tower: Is about the tower where Rudolph van Richten used to hide.
  • Chapter 12: The Wizard of Wines: Says how the characters can get the winery to give joy to Barovians again.
  • Chapter 13: The Amber Temple: Tells about the forbidden temple where Strahd became a Vampire.
  • Chapter 14: Yester Hill: The hill where the druids are bringing life to Wintersplinter, the tree blight.
  • Chapter 15: Werewolf Den: The home of the werewolf pack.
  • Epilogue: Talks about the conclusion of the adventure.
  • Appendix A: Character Options: Offers the Haunted One background and gives a table for gothic trinkets.
  • Appendix B: Death House: An introductory adventure about a haunted house.
  • Appendix C: Treasure: an index on all the new magic items.
  • Appendix D: Monsters and Npcs: Gives info and stat blocks for all the new monsters and NPCs.
  • Appendix E: The Tarokka Deck: Gives background information on the Tarokka Deck.
  • Appendix F: Handouts: All the needed handouts and letters for the adventure.



Adrian MartikovAlenkaAlexeiAmalthiaAnastrasya KarelovaAngrath WoodwiseAnna KrezkovArabelleAriel du PlumetteArik LorenskArrigalAzianaBaba LysagaBella SunbaneBeucephalusBiancaBildrath CantemirBluto KrogarovBray MartikovaBrom MartikovaCarlon AmoffelClovin BelviewCyrus BelviewDag TomescuDamiaDanika DorakovaDavankaDavian MartikovDavra JassurDmitri KrezkovDonavichDoruElvir MartikovEmil ToranescuEndorovichEravien HaundErnst LarnakEscherExethanterEzmerelda d'AvenirFiona WachterFreekGadof BlinskyGertrudaGodfrey GwilymGunther ArasekHaliqHelga RuvakHenrik van der VoortIreena KolyanaIsmark KolyanovichIzek StrazniKarl WachterKasimir VelikovKellenKiril StoyanovichKlutz TripalotskyKolyaKolyan IndirovichKretyana DolofLanniver StraylLars KjurlsLazlo UlrichLief LipsiegeLucian JarovLucian PetrovichLudmilla VilisevicLuvashLydia PertrovnaMad MaryMadalenaMadam EvaMajestoMarzena BelviewMilivojMirabelMishka BelviewMordenkainenMorganthaMorwen DaggerfordMuriel VinshawMyrtleNeferonNikolai WachterNorganasOffalia WormwiggleOtto BelviewParpol CantemirPatrina VelikovnaPiccoloPidlwick IIRahadinRatkaRudolph van RichtenSangzorSavidSasha IvliskovaSelvek SerelimSkennisSorviaStrahd von ZarovichStefania MartikovStella WachterStanimirSzoldar SzoldarovichUdo LukovichUrwin MartikovVargas VallakovichVarushkaVasilkaVictor VallakovichVilniusVladimir HorngaardVolenta PopofskyWencensiaWintersplinterYelena ArasekYeskaYevgeni KrushkinZelraun RoaringhornZuleika ToranescuZygfrek Belview

Referenced only
ArgynvostArtank SwilovichArtimusArtista DeSlopBarov von ZarovichBascal OfenheissCeithlenn of the Crooked TeethCiril RomulichDahlver-NarDalvan OlenskyDark PowersDelbanDevostasDorfniya DilsnyaDrizlashEisglaze DrūfElisabeth DurstElminster AumarElsa Fallona von TwiterbergErik VonderbucksFekreFilmore StunkFritz von WeergGralmore NimblenobsGrigorGustav DurstGustave HerrnghastIlya KrezkovIntree Sik-ValooIsolde YunkIvan IvliskovichJakarionJarnwaldKavanKhiradKing DostronKing KatskyKing TroiskyKhazanLeonid KrushkinMarinaMorninglordMother NightNikolai WachterPatrina VelikovnaPidlwickRavenovia von ZarovichRosavalda DurstSaint AndralSaint MarkoviaSavnokSedrik SpinwitovichSergei von ZarovicSeriachShami-AmouraeSkyaneStahbal Indi-BhakStefan GregorvichSzoldar GrygorovichTaar HaakTarakamedesTasha PetrovnaTatsaul ErisTatyanaTenebrousThornboldt DurstVaundWalter DurstYarak JassurYanYogYrrgaZantrasZhudunZrin-Hala


Amber golem • Animated objectArcanalothBansheeBatBarovianBlack puddingBlue dragonCatClay golemCrawling clawDeath slaadDeerDevaDire wolfDretchDusk ElfElfFlameskullFlesh golemGargoyleGhastGhoulGhostGiant goatGiant spiderGoatGray oozeGrickHell houndHorseHumanImpInvisible stalkerIron golemLichMastiffMongrelfolkMonkeyNeedle blightNight hagNightmareNothicPhantomQuasitRatRavenRed dragonRevenantRocSaber-toothed tigerScarecrowShadowShadow demonShambling moundShield guardianSkeletonSmoke mephitSpectreStrahd's animated armorStirgeStone golemToadTree blightTroglodyteTwig blightVampireVampire spawnVine blightVistaniVrockWereravenWerewolfWightWill-o'-wispWolfWraithZombie

Referenced only
DwarfHalf-orcGoblinPit fiendSilver dragonWerehare


Building & Sites
Abbey of Saint MarkoviaAmber TempleArasek StockyardBaba Lysaga's creeping hutArgynvostholtBildrath's MercantileBlood on the Vine TavernBlue Water InnBurgomaster's MansionCastle RavenloftOld BonegrinderShrine of Mother NightShrine of the White SunSt. Andral's ChurchVan Richten's TowerYester HillWachterhausWizard of Wines
Old Svalich RoadUldoon TrailTrade WayTsolenka Pass
Balinok MountainsRiver IlvisLake ZarovichMisty ForestSvalich WoodsTser Falls
Demiplane of Dread
Referenced only
Nine HellsShadowdaleShadowfell


Magic items
blood spearDaern's instant fortressGulthias staffhat of disguiseholy symbol of ravenkindicon of Ravenloftmace of terrormanual of bodily healthring of regenerationring of mind shieldingring of warmthSt. Markovia's Thighbonespell scrollsunsword • 'staff of froststaff of powertome of understandingwand of secrets
gentle reposeresurrectionTasha's hideous laughterunseen servant
Referenced only


Children of Mother NightEmerald EnclaveHarpersKeepers of the FeatherLords' AllianceOrder of the GauntletOrder of the Silver DragonZhentarim
Referenced only
<smallUlmist Inquisition


The Blade of Truth: The Uses of Logic in the War Against Diabolist Heresies, as Fought by the Ulmist InquisitionCastle Building 101The Devil We KnowEmbalming: The Lost ArtGoats of the Balinok MountainsThe Grimoire of the Four QuartersHeart of SorrowHymns to the DawnI, Strahd: The Memory of a VampireThe Incants of ExethanterLife Among the Undead: Learning to CopeThe Oath CelestialSnow Dwarf and the Seven WightsTome of Strahd
Festival of the Blazing Sun
Food & Drink
appleChampagne du le Stompdream pastriesgrapePurple GrapemashRed Dragon Crush
brown moldGulthias tree
Referenced only
Wolf's Head Jamboree

Stat Blocks[]

Monster Stat blocks included:

NPC stat blocks:

Furthermore it gives information on how to make stat blocks for the following monsters and NPCs:


External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Christopher Perkins, Tracy Hickman, Laura Hickman (March 2016). Curse of Strahd. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 2. ISBN 978-0-7869-6598-4.